Sharing the beauty of the world through photography and writings.
"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. " .... Ansel Adams
Welcome to my blog for photographers and nature lover's around the world. I hope you enjoy my chitter chatter about life, nature, gardening...and a little bit of kitchen.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In Loving Memory

She would be 54 tomorrow, September 26. A year younger than me. In many ways, she was older than I.  In many ways she was much much younger, but then we all have our days.

We had many things in common....the love of sunflowers, gardening, convertible Mustangs, the sun, the moon, horses, football.  She had a free spirit that somedays I really longed for.  She always seemed to be so happy go lucky.  She had an ease around people that I always struggled with and still do to a certain extent (although age definitely makes one a bit more vocal than younger days).  She made friends easier.  I had to be the responsible one. I hated that.  Still times....but someone had to do it.

I miss her tremendously many days.  I miss our heart to heart chats.  I miss her laugh. Riding horses together.  Camping together.  Discovering the White Pelicans together.  Sitting on her Florida patio.  Chatting in my Houston backyard. Laughing together on the phone regardless of the miles between us.

We cried together.  We fought...after all if we hadn't, we wouldn't have been sisters.

We went through life, at times, rescuing each other from those curve balls life tended to throw at us. Yet, life always got the best of us and just about the time we would start to become really close, miles came between us.  Life had other plans for us.

I could really use her advice now.

I wish she could hug me.  I wish her children could hug her. I know she would be oh so proud of them. I know she IS so proud of them.

I'm guessing today that the Dear Lord wishes He had left her here with us much longer as I am sure she is painting the heavens red in celebration of her life.  I can see it now. I can see her now.

We love you, Loretta Mary.  We miss you tremendously.

Someday.  Someday we will chat again.

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