Sharing the beauty of the world through photography and writings.
"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. " .... Ansel Adams
Welcome to my blog for photographers and nature lover's around the world. I hope you enjoy my chitter chatter about life, nature, gardening...and a little bit of kitchen.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

BEYOND LAYERS - My Six Word Story

There are many times throughout my life that I feel I am searching for something although I'm not always sure what it is.

It is a phase of self discovery when I feel I need to step back and look at myself from behind or through a mirror. Pondering. Remembering all the previous roads I have travelled. Reminding myself. Poking. Prodding. Quietly...or loudly laughing, smiling and yes, sometimes even crying.

Simplicity is what I have always strived for even though some of the decisions and choices are way too much to keep in the realm of things. Simplicity is who I am.

Serendipity is what makes me tick. What makes me happy. Serendipity. Surprises. The least those awesomely wonderful ones. The rough ones...not so much.

Creativity...making each day new and different. Wonderful. Inspiring. Artful. A world with a pallet full of colors or...just black and white (not necessarily plain).

Searching. Self Discovery. Simplicity. Serendipity. Creativity.

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