Sharing the beauty of the world through photography and writings.
"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. " .... Ansel Adams
Welcome to my blog for photographers and nature lover's around the world. I hope you enjoy my chitter chatter about life, nature, gardening...and a little bit of kitchen.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Crazy with a Spray Can

I just couldn't help it.
I'm home alone this weekend.  (Hunting season gives me 'me time'.)  Maybe I should use it in some more responsible way.  But I didn't.

Well..I dusted and picked up.
I did the morning dishes.
I played with the dog.
I trimmed some trees back and rearranged a garden area.
I did wash.

It's the weekend.

I had a photo shoot scheduled in which I had hoped to use the first two tires I worked on.  The red and blue. But then I knew where there was a third tire.  When I went to get it, low and behold, there were two half tires chanting very clearly....take me, take me. I want to be 'pretty' too.  I'm also up for a good challenge of making someone (or something) feel better about themselves. So off we went. Stopped at the local ace for some additional 'color' and discovered I didn't have the palette today for my normal earth tones...greens and...greens. I needed something to brighten up 'my space' even if they were to be used mainly for photography props.

Sunny Yellow
Watermelon Pink
and, yes, of course, burgundy red.

But wait, my green garden bench needed to be redone.
My garden wagon has haunted me since I received it with a gray that was just 'too gray' for me. I splotched it with white over the gray and added a bit of red to make it feel unique..and it smiled.

Since I had white...well that little children's table that had been sitting in my basement for months needed to be repainted as I wanted to cover up the stick on fruit emblem on the top.  I wanted (thanks to Kim Klassen) a white table...even if it is a bit on the wee side.  I believe it will do what I need it to do.

Needless to say, of course I didn't plan the purchase quite right and had to go back a second time for a couple of the colors..and the same checkout girl, of course, commented on my quick return.  Nicely.

The project took me about five between the other things I did while waiting for coats of color to dry.

I needed to do some computer time as I am behind on my classes and hoped to browse for some fresh ideas for my photo shoot...which would have been a waste of time anyhow as my portrait sessions normally end up being different than I expect...depending on who the subject is.

Bills didn't get paid.
Clothes are still hanging on the line.  Yes, I guess I should atleast remove them so the night critters don't  decide to play dress up tonight.

Tomorrow I have a photo hopes of finding that one inspiring shot.  Fall color.  Hills. West Wisconsin. Friends to chat with.

Hopefully I will return early enough to fit in a bit more responsibility...before he returns. Before the Monday dreads.

Can't wait to actually use my new 'toys' in a photo shoot to share with you.

Won't you share a home made prop with us? Or just some unplanned creativity on a day that 'responsibility' just didn't show up!!

( I cleaned up from this project, I found a garden foot stool that I rummage from 'the abandoned house' which was nasty worn out green...and recovered it with Cherry Red. Unfortunately I didn't have time to snap a pic before my session subjects showed up.

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